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Tracking SDK Standard Android

Tracking SDK Standard (SDK) is used to track targeted user actions in the mobile app and further analyze this information.

Before you start

You should be aware of the following options required to initialize and use the SDK. Ask the SDK team to give them to you.

  • partnerId - Partner ID. For example: 123.
  • endpointUrl - API URL of tracking system. For example: "".

SDK version:

Demo: Tracking SDK Example

Stable release: Tracking SDK Standard


  • Kotlin version >= 1.6.20
  • Android 5.0+ (API Level >= 21)


dependencies {
    //... other dependencies
    implementation 'tech.solutionarchitects.tracking_sdk:standard:{{ version }}'
    //... other dependencies


The library is initialized by the developer when the application is started or when the user is authorized by the method call TechTracker.initialize(options: TrackerOptions).


SDK has only access to the main application process. IF your application uses several processes, you need to register SDK's Content Provider to extract the ApplicationContext:

          android:exported="true" />
val options = TrackerOptions(
    bundle = "",
    partnerId = "YOUR_PARTNER_ID",
    sessionId = "YOUR_SESSION_ID",
    endpointUrl = "https://YOUR_END_POINT",
    debugMode = true,
    headers = mapOf("Authorization" to {
val tracker = TechTracker.initialize(options)
TechTracker.initialize(options: TrackerOptions): TechTracker

data class TrackerOptions(
    val bundle: String,
    val partnerId: String,
    val sessionId: String,
    val endpointUrl: String,
    val debugMode: Boolean = false,
    val headers: Map<String, () -> String>? = null
  • partnerId - Partner ID. For example: 123. Ask the SDK team to give it to you.
  • endpointUrl - API URL of tracking system. For example: Ask the SDK team to give it to you.
  • sessionId - Unique session id what determines current application session. There are types of mobile apps:
    • Online app (your application uses your own business backend) - in this case please provide session id, what matched with server side session of your own backend - this is the most preferable way.
    • Offline app (your mobile doesn't use own business backend). If your app doesn't use backend, then your mobile app can pass generated UUID value here. IMPORTANT: your UUID must be generated once on each first application startup. You must never re-generate it during application lifecycle. Only if your app terminated (removed from memory) and re-started again, only this triggers new UUID value.
  • debugMode - Enables or disables debug mode in the SDK. Produces extra debug. false by default. log output - might be useful while you debug your app.
  • httpHeaders - (optional) Dictionary of HTTP headers what will be injected in to each API call. if you invoke TechTracker.event(event: TrackerEvent) function.


If you attempt to access any SDK method without initialization, then InitializeException: RuntimeException will be thrown. This exception indicates to the host's developers that they can only use SDK once they initialize successfully.

User ID (UID)

Your mobile application might be:

  • Anonymous (public - no user based authorization at all). For example: any user can use whole functionality of your app without needs to register own user account. Public (anonymous) usage.
  • AuthN/AuthZ based (user based authorization required). For example: Sign-in screen on startup.
  • Mixed app (some screens of your app are publicly available for anyone, but other ones are only available for authorized users). For example: Anyone (without user account) can navigate between catalog / products screens. But if user tries to 'Add to cart' or 'To make an order', then application asks user to pass authorization (Sign-in / Sign-up).


Tracking SDK provides TechTracker.uid property. Please, setup this property with 'user id' value of your real authorized user.

You have to set this property on each successful 'Sign-in' attempt.

You have to set this property as null if user signed out.

You can skip setup of this property only in one scenario: if your mobile is Anonymous and never uses user authorization.

Here is an example how to set TechTracker.uid property:

try {
    val authSession = myAuthService.signIn(username, password)
    if (!authSession.success) {
        tracker.uid = null
    tracker.uid =

    // Here, you do your own business logic specific for your mobile app 
    // after user passes authorization.
    // Eg: navigate to 'Main' screen, or navigate to 'Cart' screen, etc ...
} catch (e: Exception) {
    tracker.uid = null
    Log.e(TAG, "ERROR: Unable to sign-in due error", e)

try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
    Log.w(TAG, "WARNING: Error occured while sign-out (skipped)", e)
} finally {
    tracker.uid = null

    // Here, you do your own business logic specific for 'Sign-out' procedure.
    // Eg: navigate to 'Sign-in' (startup) screen, etc ...
object TechTracker {
    var uid: String?
  • uid - (optional) Unique user ID, authorized in your mobile app. Set this up on each successful attempt of your user authorization. Set this as null on each 'Sign-out' attempt. Skip this property if your app is Anonymous (never uses user accounts).

Tracking user activity

The Tracking SDK provides an API to send a specific events. To send an event, you must pass the event object to the method TechTracker.event(event: TrackerEvent).

Here is an example:

val event = Click(
    value = "start registration",
    contentId = "1",
    contentName = "Doll",
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                    categoryId = "11",
                    categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
fun event(event: TrackerEvent)

Standard events

You can track the following events:

  • AddToCart - the user adding product items to the shopping cart in the application
  • Purchase - the user purchases goods in the system
  • StartView - the user starts viewing the product card
  • StopView - the user ends of viewing content
  • Click - the user clicks on a significant element/advertising block in the application (links, buttons, product card in the product list, etc.)
  • Search - the user searches some content in application (for example, search for a product)
  • AdImp - viewing advertising content by the user
  • AdClick - click on advertising content by user
  • Scroll - the user scrolled the content page


  • Trigger: the user adding product items to the shopping cart in the application.
  • Payload: the list of product items that are added to the shopping cart.
val event = AddToCart()
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "1",
        skuName = "Lego",
        price = 35.0,
        currency = "RUB"
    deltaQuantity = 1.0F,
    quantity= 2.0F,
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                    categoryId = "11",
                    categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "2",
        skuName = "Ozone"
    deltaQuantity = 1.0F,
    quantity= 2.0F
data class AddToCartItem(
    val sku: SKU,
    val deltaQuantity: Float,
    val quantity: Float,
    val category: List<Category>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CustomParamsAwareEvent
  • sku - a group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data (see SKU)
  • quantity - the quantity of the product
  • deltaQuantity - the difference (increment or decrement) between the new and current quantity of the product
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters to add to tracking event


  • Trigger: the user purchases goods in the system.
  • Payload: the list of product objects that are purchased by the user
val event = Purchase()
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "1",
        skuName = "Lego",
        price = 35.0,
        currency = "RUB"
    quantity= 2.0F,
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                        categoryId = "11",
                        categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "2",
        skuName = "Ozone"
    quantity= 2.0F
data class PurchaseItem(
    val sku: SKU,
    val quantity: Float,
    val category: List<Category>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CustomParamsAwareEvent
  • sku - a group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data (see SKU)
  • quantity - the quantity of the product
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters


  • Trigger: the user starts viewing the product card.
  • Payload: the list of content objects that are viewed by the user.


If the current content being viewed is a catalog page (for example, a list of product teasers), then DO NOT send a view event for each teaser of other content/product presented in that catalog. The view content event must be sent once and only for the catalog itself.

val event = StartView(
    contentId = "1",
    contentName = "Lego",
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "1",
        skuName = "Lego",
        price = 35.0,
        currency = "RUB"
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                    categoryId = "11",
                    categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
data class StartView(
    val contentId: String,
    val contentName: String,
    val sku: SKU? = null,
    val category: List<Category>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CommonEvent(), TrackerEvent, CustomParamsAwareEvent
  • contentId - the unique identifier of the content being viewed. By default, the content URL is assumed, if such a division into identifiers is not possible, then any other ideograph clearly distinguishes one viewed content from another.
  • contentName - name of the content being viewed
  • sku - (optional) a group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data (see SKU)
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters


  • Trigger: the user ends of viewing content.
  • Payload: the list of content objects that were viewed by the user.


If the current content being viewed is a catalog page (for example, a list of product teasers), then DO NOT send a view event for each teaser of other content/product presented in that catalog. The view content event must be sent once and only for the catalog itself.

val event = StopView(
    contentId = "1",
    contentName = "Lego",
    value = 0.5F,
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "1",
        skuName = "Lego",
        price = 35.0,
        currency = "RUB"
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                    categoryId = "11",
                    categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
data class StopView(
    val contentId: String,
    val contentName: String,
    val value: Float,
    val sku: SKU? = null,
    val category: List<Category>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CommonEvent(), TrackerEvent, CustomParamsAwareEvent
  • contentId - the unique identifier of the content being viewed. By default, the content URL is assumed, if such a division into identifiers is not possible, then any other ideograph clearly distinguishes one viewed content from another.
  • contentName - name of the content being viewed
  • value - a value between 0 and 1 that describes how much content was viewed in percentage
  • sku - (optional) a group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data (see SKU)
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters


  • Trigger: the user clicks on a significant element/advertising block in the application (links, buttons, product card in the product list, etc.).
  • Payload: the object with a description of which element was clicked (url for external links).


If clicking an item is similar to any of the specialized events, it is better to use a specialized event. For example, to observe the click on the product cart buttons, you must use the event type Add to cart / Purchase .

val event = Click(
    value = "start registration",
    contentId = "1",
    contentName = "Lego",
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "1",
        skuName = "Lego",
        price = 35.0,
        currency = "RUB"
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                    categoryId = "11",
                    categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
data class Click(
    val value: String,
    val contentId: String,
    val contentName: String,
    val sku: SKU? = null,
    val category: List<Category>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CommonEvent(), TrackerEvent, CustomParamsAwareEvent
  • value - a string with a description of which element was clicked (url for external links).
  • contentId - the unique identifier of the content being viewed. By default, the content URL is assumed, if such a division into identifiers is not possible, then any other ideograph clearly distinguishes one viewed content from another.
  • contentName - name of the content being viewed
  • sku - (optional) a group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data (see SKU)
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters

  • Trigger: the user searches some content in application (for example, search for a product).
  • Payload: the object with the search phrase value
val event = Search(
    value = "Pampers",
    filter = mapOf(
        "age" to listOf("0-1", "1-3"),
        "sex" to listOf("m")
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
data class Search(
    val value: String,
    val filter: Map<String, List<String>>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CommonEvent(), TrackerEvent, CustomParamsAwareEvent
  • value - search phrase
  • filter - (optional) search filters
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters


  • Trigger: viewing advertising content by the user.
  • Payload: the object with description of the advertising block, which was viewed by the user.
val event = AdImp(
    placementId = "1",
    width = 240,
    height = 300,
    clickURL = "",
    adType = AdType.banner,
    contentId = "1",
    contentName = "Lego",
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "1",
        skuName = "Lego",
        price = 35.0,
        currency = "RUB"
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                    categoryId = "11",
                    categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
data class AdImp(
    val placementId: String,
    val width: Int,
    val height: Int,
    val clickURL: String,
    val adType: AdType,
    val contentId: String? = null,
    val contentName: String? = null,
    val sku: SKU? = null,
    val category: List<Category>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CommonEvent(), TrackerEvent, CustomParamsAwareEvent

enum class AdType {
  • placementId - placement unique identifier
  • width - width of ad placement
  • height - height of ad placement
  • clickURL - URL address that is linked to the the advertising block
  • adType - the type of advertising on which the user clicks (see types section)
  • contentId - (optional) the unique identifier of the content being viewed. By default, the content URL is assumed, if such a division into identifiers is not possible, then any other ideograph clearly distinguishes one viewed content from another.
  • contentName - (optional) name of the content being viewed
  • sku - (optional) a group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data (see SKU)
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters


  • Trigger: click on advertising content by user.
  • Payload: the object with the description of the advertising block, which was clicked by the user.
val event = AdClick(
    placementId = "1",
    width = 240,
    height = 300,
    clickURL = "",
    adType = AdType.banner,
    contentId = "1",
    contentName = "Lego",
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "1",
        skuName = "Lego",
        price = 35.0,
        currency = "RUB"
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                    categoryId = "11",
                    categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
data class AdClick(
    val placementId: String,
    val width: Int,
    val height: Int,
    val clickURL: String,
    val adType: AdType,
    val contentId: String? = null,
    val contentName: String? = null,
    val sku: SKU? = null,
    val category: List<Category>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CommonEvent(), TrackerEvent, CustomParamsAwareEvent

enum class AdType {
  • placementId - placement unique identifier
  • width - width of ad placement
  • height - height of ad placement
  • clickURL - URL address that is linked to the the advertising block
  • adType - the type of advertising on which the user clicks (see types section)
  • contentId - (optional) the unique identifier of the content being viewed. By default, the content URL is assumed, if such a division into identifiers is not possible, then any other ideograph clearly distinguishes one viewed content from another.
  • contentName - (optional) name of the content being viewed
  • sku - (optional) a group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data (see SKU)
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters


  • Trigger: the user scrolled the content page.
  • Payload: an object with a content scrolling value as a percentage of the total content.
val event = Scroll(
    value = 0.6F,
    contentId = "1",
    contentName = "Lego",
    sku = SKU(
        skuId = "1",
        skuName = "Lego",
        price = 35.0,
        currency = "RUB"
    category = listOf(
            categoryId = "1",
            categoryName = "Category Name",
            children = listOf(
                    categoryId = "11",
                    categoryName = "SubCategory Name"
    customParams = mapOf(
        "custom_param1" to "value1",
        "custom_param2" to "value2"
data class Scroll(
    val value: Float,
    val contentId: String,
    val contentName: String,
    val sku: SKU? = null,
    val category: List<Category>? = null,
    val customParams: Map<String, String>? = null
) : CommonEvent(), TrackerEvent, CustomParamsAwareEvent
  • value - the value of scrolling the page that the user watches from 0 to 1
  • contentId - the unique identifier of the content being viewed. By default, the content URL is assumed, if such a division into identifiers is not possible, then any other ideograph clearly distinguishes one viewed content from another.
  • contentName - name of the content being viewed
  • sku - (optional) a group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data (see SKU)
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)
  • customParams - (optional) custom parameters


Below is a description of the auxiliary fields and their data types used in standard events.


Taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products.

data class Category(
    val categoryName: String,
    val categoryId: String? = null,
    val children: List<Category>? = null
  • name - category name
  • categoryId - (optional) unique identificator of the category
  • children - (optional) the nested array of child subcategories for this category


A group of the fields that describe the product's SKU data.

data class SKU(
    val skuId: String,
    val skuName: String,
    val price: Float? = null,
    val currency: String? = null,
    val category: List<Category>? = null
  • skuId - SKU identifier of the product
  • skuName - name of the product
  • price - (optional) price of the product
  • currency - (optional) product currency (USD, EUR, RUB, etc.)
  • category - (optional) taxonomy of categories of viewed content or products. (see Category)